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So You’re Moving Closer

The tricks of the trade; proximity, familiarity makes atoms attach-detach and move on. I was in anatomy class when this theory came up in the learning section on chemistry. Then I also remembered proximity and familiarity from psychology classes, denoting communication and exchanges between the parties.
This theory also works for dating and most all other human relationships that work, since chemistry, is the basis of human life on this planet. Yet, maybe the hydrogen atom speeded up before spinning off to link up with some other group of attracting molecules.
Still, what part of moving near the parent do you find attractive? Especially when the parents didn’t care about you that much when you were young child and vulnerable like Cammy was. Now, as a little molecule that has attracted another atom to you (like marriage, partnership or out-of-wedlock children), what part of moving near the parent do you find attractive?
It took two visits; each of them five plus days, by Cammy to my house while plotting her relocation. That’s an awful lot of words to express in numerous on-going conversations about her feelings on her duty to serve her mother.
Soldiers have to rationalize to others their personal feelings of duty and service to their country. I was watching Cammy attempt to fit the uniform of a soldier. Duty - must order itself, from specific web address, only to ship out courage.
Although this daughter knew little of all of the great facets courage it would take in the future. She expensed directions to higher power and demanded divine intervention to make the end happen fast.
Cammy wished for:
• No lingering,
• No long discussion because they would end in hardheaded arguments.
Helpless acts of surrender wouldn’t come easy to Cammy’s mother. That character flaw didn’t exist in the gene pool of mother or daughter. Both parties had intolerant temperaments. One thrived on driving drama hard and fast only to make the other drive away from drama.
Cammy’s mom had some bad, bad habits in her day. Not sure exactly her day had ended yet in her mind, it just tilted a tad. A maturing body was not going to stop her alone. So she physically tore down walls, put up walls, built rooms, added bathrooms and was now tearing out her den and kitchen including the floors.
For company, Cammy’s mom had the plumber, Zack who did everything. The licensed handyman extraordinaire, electrician, and carpenter-tile layer who cohabitated with his own girlfriend with their child in his own home. Cammy’s mom paid his wages out her inherited trust fund.
Then another Mexican handyman extraordinaire who was all hot air and another love of Cammy’s mom being the Mexican handyman who took over eighteen years of their most unpurposeful relationship to beat on her, breaking a few bones, dousing her with paint on the front porch a few times and who knows what else went unreported to the cops.
Now, all that is the work the plumber had come to fix nearly thirty years later. In addition, by the checkbook, buy the checkbook - to the tune in his pocket for labor and materials of more than fifty-thousand dollars. That was just for the rental unit. Now he was working in the main house. Ever so slowly he worked first on the water heater, then on front bathroom, then on second bathroom, now on floors in the den into the kitchen. All without receipts for the work completed, just a check from the big checkbook.
This got Cammy going toward her former and now her current mother’s home to live nearby. The speed of the plow, the prod, that hydrogen atom spinning off to be closer and closer to her mother, since her Brother didn’t do the job of moving their momma into a box apartment in So-Cal down the street from him.
As an adult married woman, Cammy understood the underlying principles of this endless act of spinning insanity her mother’s life, called excitement. Cammy felt her life was like a bowl of popcorn in the bright lights. You can pick with your eyes the shape of which one you want. Not so easy getting those perfectly rounded, brain-shaped pieces that melt into your mouth without picking it first with your eyes.
You can spin like an atom towards the perfect goal with all your hope and desires, but sometimes, most times it’s more like knocking two pieces together that bends and cracks apart with a little pressure when you are picking the right one for the dream. And, then it goes spinning way from your fingertips in all directions to collide out there with the unexpected. Still, you knowingly know - you’re moving closer.

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