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Showing posts with label 19 - House Rules - Coming Over to Visit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 19 - House Rules - Coming Over to Visit. Show all posts


House Rules - Coming Over to Visit

One day, my sister rang the door bell, and my mom refused to answer it. There were two women at the
door, and my mom thought they were 'those holy people coming to chat,' and she wanted none of that. So, my
mom didn't answer the door.
Far be it from anyone close to the family to know that my mom, had a good case of pneumonia at this
time, and was order to play 'hospital at home' with day and oxygen and lots of antibiotics to keep her down in
her favorite chair in her flannel pajamas in the middle of summer. My mom was right at home, healing up
great, slowly but better everyday.
The telephone rings at my mom's house. It's her daughter from Europe with her daughter ringing my
moms door bell, that mom thought was the 'holy people'. Surprise, surprise.
My mom invites them in at 1:45 pm and calls me. She tells me who would like to take her to lunch.
And I listen, and I ask my mom, "Do you want to go to lunch with them?"
I hear my question becoming her questions back to me, and my mom answering her own questions since
her unexpected guests are in the same room within listening distance to 'my' but actually her decision - not to
go out with them to lunch.
This is quite quizzical, I think to myself. Then I know, she's still pulling around and oxygen tubing, in
her pajamas and hasn't showered in a couple of days. What is this guest thinking? That an old sick person, let
alone just an old person, can just change clothes and put on make-up in two minutes and run out the door with
them. Only because they are so special, they can come visit, unannounced, unexpected and their mom who is
their grandmother is suppose to just change her life because they appeared.
I am thinking, what is this? I knew, I can't leave the office to run home and see this sibling of mine.
Why do they want to take mom out for lunch all of a sudden? And if they did, would they bring her back?
Who knew what was really going on in their minds? It seemed like my mom knew better than to just
leave with them, sans the oxygen, the still-present illness such as lack of breathing capabilities. Not to mention
the effort to change clothes.
I asked a friend from another office, if her errands were taking her near my mother's house, and if she
would stop by, since I had couldn't get away from the office. My friend did stop by and see mom, calling first
before coming by.
My unexpected sister and niece departed, decrying their hunger for lunch at this late hour, from my
mother's house.