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Showing posts with label 14 – Driving - Reverse Jets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 14 – Driving - Reverse Jets. Show all posts


Driving - Reverse Jets

No one wants to say they dinged their own car, a cute little VW Golf with less than 40,000 miles on it. No one admits to that, but when the dings add up and the car appears to be a dirt track derby car, I, this adult -child begins to wonder about my mom that drives the Golf.
I took my last vacation, but I didn’t know it was my last vacation. Have you ever had that feeling? Like passing a kidney stone, who wants to remember that. Well, I had five days of either bizarre hotel rooms or camp stops in state parks. Returning home, only to see the carport with the moms cute little VW Golf with dings turned into a rather large dent on the back end. Relaxation was now over and done. I had started back to work with my luggage rolling up the driveway on first view of this feat of her car.
It only took a few minutes after unpacking for me to ask, “What happened to your car, mom?”
Then it took about four cups of coffee to figure out the whole, real story and what to do about it. Since it wasn’t safe to drive with the back end bashed in and no taillights on the cute little VW Golf, it fell to me to call the insurance company. Then, make a list of the possible repair shops, call the towing company, and believe that once was enough.
Only a few months passed in time, and I took another long weekend away. Mom could drive, and walk at this time, and things were looking good with guy I was dating. Maybe, I could move out and be in love. The weekend was sweet. Not so fast.
As the luggage rolled up the driveway, it was revealed. Moms cute little VW Golf happened again to be crunched in the same place.
It turned out that backing out of the driveway was not her forte. This was the second time, she backed out of the driveway and hit a car passing by. This was second senior citizen who was driving at or below the speed limit of twenty-five mph, that mom didn’t see backing out of the drive way. Everybody was okay, except for their automobile damage, which included the not-so cute anymore, little VW Golf.
The car was repaired and, “salvage” was stamped on the title. Mom got the repair plus $800.00 US dollars for the salvage stamp from the auto insurance company.
Later, she sold the cute little VW Golf for an additional thousand dollars to my nephew, who still drives it today. In addition, he’s tweaked it himself at least twice backing out.
Reverse karma?