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Exercise - Not My Arm

Not my arm. Hanging on the left or right arm of the able individual is hell. It's hell for the parent, when
they can't stand-up solidly and move about without having another person for stability. I understand, it's not
their fault, and I send out report cards with A+'s, gold and silver stars just for the guts and courage for
attempting to take a longer walk. I've done it for two years, since I did notice the body lilt-tilt what leaned to
the left a bit more than level, mostly from being hung on to out of pride and companionship. Nevertheless, not
hang on my arm, anymore.
Therefore, I supplanted my arm in Wal-Mart and other stores that have shopping carts. I find the
shopping cart to be the perfect trainer for the next move up in freedom and mobility for myself as much as the
mom. Now this thought has a good deal of self-preservation in it as I now can roam away, while she reads the
labels. I can be back in a second or two to pull down from the top shelf a product, or lift the heavy canned
foods into those low, way down places in the shopping cart.
I'd really like to know, if there are enough cute, little double stacker mini shopping carts available for
the maturing population in my future? Someone ought to give the heads up to the massive package stores that
not all cart sizes suit the shopping efforts of the seniors or even the middle-agers. It's truly hard to bend over
and lift all those products in the shopping basket out at the check out.
It's my arm again; one-handed lift out, swing and park on the moving belt for the check out. What
happened to those high carts with end that opens up for the checker to pull all the items out of the cart while
they ring them up? I would like those back please!

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