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Bank Bill Pay v U.S. Postal Service

I don't lick, stick or put anymore - stamps that is. My postman/postwoman is a wonderful individual with all the gusto, perseverance and so very trustworthiness I could compliment their service daily when the mail arrives.  I bless Ben Franklin for the active idea of the Post Office.  Yet, I am a time-saving trader.  I could pen those household bills and mail a hardcopy check with the return slip, place it  in the provided return envelope, with my U. S. Postage stamp with my selection of art work, glue or not.  But I don't.  I don't inform the utility companies that I don't need their return envelopes either, since I don't mail them anything, I can not check the box for choosing the 'electronic billing' option. 

I believe the paperless, e-tronic method has hit the speed bump from the past few years and bottomed out.  I can hear the scrapping instead of licking and sticking.  There's not enough staff in the utility company's billing department to check for cost saving measures.  As well as no one to implement them, so the bump in the road has low decibel ripple from this little stamp dip following the former economic bump.  The idealism of the great economic times now inhales, deeper and deeper.  Where did the save a tree, e-pay instead 'save a tree, save the environment' movement go?  Hold that breath!  Meantime, my postal personal worker is turning blue while waiting those few short years till retirement exhalation, and my bank pays the postage if there is any at  all.  Oh, now I exhale as it a crime for to save my approximately $25 per year that used to spend on the stamps to mail the bills. 

It ripples, only I don't see that my postal person now has double the load, higher demands from the bosses, all in shorter hours?  Apply which excuse to: 1.) Sacrifice to save a tree, 2.) Easier for me, 3.A.) Tired of it being tougher for one 3.B.)  Or tougher all around for all?  4.)  Has a simple bill paying operation of a household now made a different system of service of money all around? 
Yet we really have to oil the machine. That one that bespeaks to the element of operational flow, "It Takes Money To Make Money".  Who takes who and where and when?


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