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Pharmacology – Outside of the Institution

Don’t leave home without them. I’m talking about the drugs. You took your rolling papers to high
school in the hope of a high life. And a beer had that – ‘high life’ as slogan we all bought into. Imagine this for
minute; if you don’t take your drugs you get high. We worked all our young lives in search of a great high. And
what wasn’t told to us is that when you get old, if you don’t take your drugs you get high.
Ever seen Great-Uncle Bob talking to himself at the bus stop? Great-auntie Bess mixed the paprika and
the red chili up in the dinner recipe. And, oh how good that didn’t taste? How about that spacey, stoner look on
dads’ face after one beer and some pharmacology? Looks a little stoned doesn’t he? And he probably is.
Alternatively, is not, if he didn’t take his drugs.
We need to know for those day trips, just what is in those little cases of pills. Does the pharmacology
mixed with a little too much caffeine on that day trip with mom getting talking all together too, too much? Like
speed or amphetamines? What food interacts with the magic pills? Look them up, make a little mental list.
Only, because the parent isn’t going to be able to tell you, if they forgot or never knew.
Then there is always the, 'I forgot them at home', oh, no I didn’t, and they take more pharmacology. The
listless look, of an overdose begins to absorb them. However, you don’t notice. You believe it’s just old age,
when two hours ago, the parent was totally, and completely different in energy, vitality and alertness. On the
other hand, an overdose to be taken to the emergency room? Or wait, like a thick soup, just add more water.
Not working, add some more and get them back home to sleep it off. Oops!

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